Why I don’t eat meat.

There are two main questions I get asked upon people finding out I’m vegetarian.

1. “Is it hard?”
The only difficult thing about not eating meat is finding a vegetarian option on the menu.
If you haven’t read the “About” section on this website, I strongly urge you to do so before you continue reading, as it relates to what I am about to say.
If you spend an hour researching the meat industry, either it’s cruelty or health aspects, I will guarantee you won’t want to be eating meat for dinner. I have done so much research on the meat and dairy industry over the past year, I cannot find even the smallest part of me that wants a “healthy” chicken for dinner, let alone go to McDonald’s down the road. I cannot stress this enough, which is why I named the website after it, Health is Learnt. The only reason anyone ever goes vegetarian or vegan is because they research themselves. These things are no where near as hard to find as you might believe, and why should they be? Very few people actually search for them. There are endless documentaries, speeches, websites, books, shows just waiting for you to see. This isn’t a fad diet. There are no websites making you pay to find out what “super food” will make you loose 10kg. That’s because when you sit where I do, and see your own people slowly kill themselves at an increasing rate day after day, you want to help them- not make money off them.
Not eating meat is not hard, seeing the people around me eat meat is hard.

2. “Isn’t that unhealthy?”
This is a great one. “No one cares about your protein intake until you’re vegetarian”.
As I was saying before, doing your own research is essential. I already know I’ve won the argument when someone comes at me saying being vegetarian or vegan is unhealthy. I know they have absolutely no personal research behind them, because if they had even hit Google once with the words “vegetarian” or “vegan”, they would know of it’s serious health benefits which outweigh any “benefits” claimed by the meat and dairy industry. There are so, so many details to go into when it comes to these industries and how they affect our health, so I will leave that for future posts. In the meantime, do some of your own research, and maybe you’ll find something I haven’t.

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